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Egypt denies exit of artifacts to Israel for scanning

Egypt has rejected recent news reports about the transfer of Pharaonic artifacts from an Egyptian museum to Israel for CT scanning. A senior official confirmed that no artifacts had left Egypt for examination or study. Moamen Othman,…

Egypt promotes river transport to ease road congestion

Egypt’s Ministry of Transporthas earmarked around 4 billion Egyptian pounds ($130 million) for new river transport projects, as part of the government’s drive to ease traffic congestion on the country’s roads, reduce transportation costs,…

Health warning for Egypt’s pharmaceutical industry

Urgent action is needed to safeguard the future of Egypt’s pharmaceutical industry, a specialist has warned. Ahmed Galal, a leading figure in the industry, told Arab News the pharmaceutical sector faces significant challenges adapting to…

Egypt ends curbs on foreign property ownership

Egypt is to remove limits on foreign ownership of property in an effort to attract more hard currency to the country. Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said in a news conference on Wednesday that the government would remove restrictions…