British Embassy in Cairo hosts exhibition to mark the anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb

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The British Embassy in Cairo is hosting a high-level exhibition to mark the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb by archaeologist Howard Carter and his Egyptian-UK team.

The exhibition tells the story of Carter, the excavation of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and the subsequent fascination with the discovery.

The embassy said in a statement that the event was being organized in cooperation with the Griffith Institute at the University of Oxford.

The exhibition, called “Excavating the Archive,” was on display at the Bodleian Library in Oxford until February this year.

It sheds light on Carter’s papers and documents, including photos, letters, and charts.

The embassy said the exhibition was an opportunity to celebrate the anniversary of the discovery and to focus on the people from both countries who worked together to present Tutankhamun to the world.

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities last November organized a celebration of the centenary of the discovery of the tomb.

The royal tomb was the only example from the Valley of the Kings where the contents were discovered relatively intact and complete.

Carter’s discovery in 1922, west of Luxor in southern Egypt, made headlines worldwide.

Tutankhamun assumed power around the age of 9 and ruled Egypt for almost ten years before his death around 1324 B.C.

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