Marine ecosystem being destroyed by illegal fishing

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Artisanal fishermen have raised their concerns over the use of explosives and trawling in illegal fishing in Peru, a country in South America. Unregulated activities also threatened the marine ecosystem in the northern country.

For artisanal fishers in northern Peru, unregulated fishing by large vessels within five nautical miles of the coast is also a major problem, according to the representatives of fishermen’s associations.

Ricardo Laos, President of the Association of Artisanal Fishermen of Caleta de Chorrillos, said Illegal vessels within five nautical miles of the coast caused reproduction problems which in turn led to the scarcity facing artisanal fishermen.

For his part, Alejandro Bravo, Secretary-General of the Federation of Integration and Unification of Artisanal Fishermen of Peru, said Trawling destroys the ecosystem.

Commander Jesús Menacho, Chief of Staff of the Coast Guard Operations Command of the Navy, said that fishing with explosives is one of the most devastating methods of harvesting fish and can also destroy the entire bottom.

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