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Peru Holds Elections for Governors in Nine Provinces

Almost seven million voters are eligible to participate this Sunday in the election of governors and vice governors in nine regions of the country: Amazonas, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Lambayeque, Lima provinces, Moquegua, Pasco and…

Peru’s PM resigns after confidence vote refused

Left-wing Peruvian President Pedro Castillo has accepted the resignation of his prime minister and will reshuffle his cabinet once again, amid a lengthy battle between the executive and legislative branches. Former Prime Minister Anibal…

Peru: Police clash with protesters in capital Lima

Riot police used tear gas to disperse protesters in Peru's capital Lima, as thousands of people took part in anti-government marches across the country. Demonstrators want embattled President Pedro Castillo to resign over…

Vatican Museums to return three Peruvian mummies

Completing a project to repatriate human remains held in the Vatican Museums' ethnological collection, the Vatican and the government of Peru signed an agreement Oct. 17 to return to Peru three mummies sent to the Vatican in 1925.…