“Surgical hub” raises hopes of better medical services in Mongolia

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Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – At a time when access to health diagnostics and services in Mongolia is poor and the labor force is in short supply, the 4th
General Hospital was recently opened with the aim of increasing access to services that meet international standards.

B. Zoljargal, who is the hospital’s executive director, said that there is a severe shortage of quality care in Mongolia’s health sector, adding that
Mongolians would prefer to seek treatment abroad.

According to a 2019 study by the Ulaanbaatar City Health Department, Mongolia spent more than $ 66 million a year on medical treatment in
Korea alone.

Zoljargal suggested the actual number is much higher; therefore, she added, there was a need to establish a general hospital, leading to the
establishment of the “The Fourth Central Hospital.”

The hospital is designed with 12 and 16 floors A and B buildings. The hospital, which will be a general hospital and will provide all medical services, will become the largest private hospital in Mongolia.

N.Ogril, Chief medical officer, said that they seek to employ modern technologies in their surgical hubs as they seek to benefit from robotic surgery.“Therefore, doctors from Japan, the United States, and Italy will be able to perform robotic surgery from where they are.”

“Here you can perform any surgery, including organ transplants, liver, kidney, heart transplants, bone marrow transplants, and joint replacements,” Ogril said.

Zoljargal said that the project also aims to change the Mongolian society’s misconception that private medical services are better, less bureaucratic,
faster, and of better quality.

“The condition of this hospital project is that all private and public hospitals will be able to provide health insurance services to citizens following the

new health insurance regulations that have been implemented in Mongolia since January 2021,” she added.

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