Water pollution exacerbates suffering of Siem Reap villagers

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Siem Reap/Cambodia – At least 100 families in a flooded village in Siem Reap, Cambodia, have started to worry about the scarcity of clean water. 

Although water is in abundance in the village, residents complain that it is polluted by waste.

For villagers, purchasing water is a heavy burden, as what adds to the suffering of the families is the lack of means to generate money and income. 

Afflicted families have to scavenge for water from around their residence and boil it to cover their daily needs, as they have to wait for an opportunity to earn money to purchase it. 

To “get” pure potable water, Prom Sor, one of the afflicted residents, stressed that they had to mix it with alum; otherwise, they would have to travel over a long distance hiring a boat to bring clean water.

While water provision for free is a basic right, Sor said that every 20 liters of water costs 3,000 riels ($0.75) which barely covers the needs of two days amid growing financial hardships. 

Receding water is not new for Siem Reap village. Families assured that they suffer from water scarcity in April of every year.

Digging a well in the village would not solve the problem, since, in addition to money shortages, it requires seeking permission from the state, and failing to secure it would lead to inconvenience.

Also, the rust turned groundwater into red contamination, adding another reason for the futility of digging a well.

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