Dual-curricula Confuses Students in Qamishli

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NE Syrian cities, especially those containing secured squares under the control of the Syrian regime, such as Hasaka and Qamishli, are witnessing a split in the educational process between teaching the regime’s curricula and the curricula imposed by the Autonomous Administration in its areas of control, where a large number of families are forced to send their children to schools of the Syrian regime and refrain from the studying of Autonomous Administration curricula, fearing for the future of their children, given non-recognition of certificates issued by the Autonomous Administration educational directorates, and parents remain obliged to register their children in private schools and institutes affiliated with the Syrian regime secretly in return for large sums of money in plus to the difficulty and excessive costs of transportation hoping that their children will pass the stages of regular studies and obtain certificates recognized by the Syrian state, statistics indicate that the number of students in the schools of the Autonomous Administration in Al Jazira region has reached 230 thousand students, distributed among 2225 schools, and more than 20,000 teachers are working on their education.

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