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In northern Karen State, more than 40,000 people are displaced every day due to mortar and machine gun attacks by the Burmese army; villagers’ farms and houses are damaged, and villagers continue to be attacked. Saw Ket Mae, 32, was one of the injured villagers and is currently receiving treatment at the Free Burma Rangers Clinic.

Saw Kit Mae, 32, being treated for his wounds.

Updates of Lu Thaw township, Papun District:

On May 16 the Burma Army shelled from their base camp near Taw Mu Pler Mae into the Saw Mu Plaw area and shot 15 rounds of mortars into the villagers’ fields, forcing the villagers to stop their planting of rice and flee.

On May 17, the Burma Army LIB shot into Taw Mu Pler Mae Village area and also into Ler Mu Plaw villagers’ rice fields.  And they shot one more mortar.

On May 18 the Burma Army shot mortars into Kaw Kyo Village as villagers fled.

On May 19 the Burma Army shot more mortars into the Ler Mu Plaw area.

On May 22 the Burma Army shot eight mortar rounds down into Kaw Ter Der area at the civilians who were working their fields. Four landed in Ta Ner Shee Daw Ko Village area and four landed in Ker Ser Pa Village area.

On May 23, Burma Army fired seven 60mm mortars from their long barreled mortar from their base to Ko Ka Paw Village. The rounds landed close to civilian homes and a rubber garden. Six exploded and one did not.

On May 24, 393 civilians left their homes because the Burma Army base in Ko Kaw Day fired mortars to Wah Kaw Hta Village area.


Photo below shows damage homes by Burma Army mortars as they attacked in Thaton District.

Updates of  Dwe Lo Township, Papun District

On May 18 the Burma Army Military Operations Command, occupied Ma Taw They and shot mortars into Thwa Ko Lo Village. Villagers who fled told our reporters:

“Because the Burma Army comes to stay in our village and more and more and shoot the mortars, it is more and more also difficult for us villagers to travel and to work on our farms. Now it is not easy for us. Now is the time to do the farm and plough the fields. We are now afraid we will not be able to plant rice.”

On May 20, Burma forces and their proxies, the Border Guard Force burned down three house from Ta Thoo Kee Village.

Updates to Thaton District, Karen State

The Burma Air Force flies jets and helicopters regularly over the district and ground troops shell villages and fields.

Ground attacks by the Burma Army continue as the Burma Army attempts to resupply and build up their camps. But there have been no airstrikes for over a week. There are weekly flights of jets and attack helicopters especially south of Papun in Thaton District.

Free Burma Rangers reporter said:

“So far we and others have been able to get rice to families in need and are distributing tarps for shelter.

Thank you and God bless you


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