Mongolia plans to provide 1 million U.S. dollars in humanitarian aid to India

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The Mongolian government decided to provide US$1 million in humanitarian assistance to help India deal with the massive increase in COVID-19 cases in the country. Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene met with the Indian ambassador to Mongolia on Monday. Mohinder Pratap Singh extended solidarity and support to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi: “India is regarded as Mongolia’s spiritual neighbor and an important strategic partner. The two countries support each other and diplomatic relations have reached the level of strategic partnership. “In February 2020, Mongolia received the first batch of 150,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from India with the help of the Indian government. Mongolia is building an oil refinery under a concession loan from India. In terms of economy, society, culture and education, the two countries are negotiating the issue of coal export.

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