As COVID-19 spreads, churches unite online in Ilocos Norte-Philippines

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Bishop Renato Mayugba of Laoag Diocese announced that all mass gatherings in Barangas, houses and churches are forbidden, and all interested priests are advised to hold mass gatherings online in response The warning from the government and government officials is to restrict everyone from holding gatherings. In 2019, 10 people are needed to stop the rise in coronavirus (Covid-19) cases. Mayugba said that apart from religious gatherings and funerals, these gatherings and funerals can only accommodate 35% of the people in the place, but no more than 40 people. The moral duty of the church is to help all people’s health, which is a common interest. “He urged parishioners to consider participating in various social networks and virtual trade shows available on radio and television. At St. William’s Cathedral, Father Ambrose Emeric Monroy said that at 6:00 a.m. on weekdays There will be no mass. m. to 5 p. for the time being. “Under certain conditions, churches can only hold funerals, weddings and baptisms. Monroy said on his Facebook post: “Our Council of Bishops has issued guidelines.”

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