The Ministry of Transportation loses the lawsuit

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The Supreme Administrative Court did not accept a petition from the Department of Transportation on Wednesday, asking the court to prohibit the state from ordering the state to compensate private contractors for canceling the total and well elevated train project.
The court said that the previous ruling will be upheld.
In November 2007, the court ruled that the Ministry of Transport and the National Railway Administration must pay compensation to Hopewell (Thailand); in April 2019, the court ruled that the Ministry of Transport and SRT must pay compensation of 11.8 billion baht and an accrued 7.5 interest rate. % To the company.
The Ministry of Transport is led by Minister Saksaya Chidchob, and the current government is trying to re-examine the Legend of Hopewell to avoid paying huge compensation.
SRT also requested the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) under the Ministry of Justice to investigate the commercial registration of Hopewell (Thailand), which was allegedly illegally registered with the Ministry of Business Development.

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