The Advisory Committee of the Project to Strengthen the Economic Performance of Mongolian Women Meets Virtually

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On April 27, 2021, as part of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Project, the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) met twice a year. Representatives from the Canadian Department of Global Affairs, the Canadian Embassy in Mongolia, the WEE project team and PAC members attended the meeting. meeting. The meeting was hosted by D. Dolzhinsuren, national MONFEMNET network project manager. Glenn Zzanski, head of the Development Cooperation Department of the Canadian Embassy in Mongolia, emphasized the success of the project in the first year and the relevance of Canada’s international feminist assistance policy to the efforts of Mongolian public and private organizations. . Departmental organizations that promote gender equality. MEP Kh. Bulgantuya agreed with the results of the “Covid-19 Impact Assessment on Women in Mongolian Micro and Small Enterprises” completed in the first year of the project, and agreed to jointly develop strategies to support small and medium enterprises. Enkhbayar, head of the NCGE secretariat, expressed his gratitude to the Canadian government and emphasized that increasing women’s participation and economic empowerment is one of the five priorities of the Mongolian government to promote gender equality in the next few years. In September 2020, the Asia Foundation launched a four-year women’s empowerment project in Canada, which was funded by the Canadian Department of Global Affairs. The project has three main goals:i) Improve the governance, planning and sustainability of civil society organizations dedicated to the economic empowerment of women; ii) Support and develop alliances and networks for gender-specific social and economic policy changes; iii) At the Asia Foundation Women’s Business Center Based on the success of the promotion of current and promising women.

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