Philippine Navy expresses condolences to Indonesian submarine disaster

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On Monday, the Philippine Navy (PN) expressed condolences to the Indonesian Navy for the loss of the diesel-electric submarine KRI Nanggala (402) and the death of 53 crew members on board.

“Admiral’s Deputy Chief of Staff Yudo Magno and the entire Indonesian Navy recently lost 53 brave sailors. They were killed on KRI Nanggala (402). I express my deep condolences.” PN, Giovanni Carlo Bacordo posted on Facebook.

Bakodo said that the loss of the Indonesian fleet is also a loss of PN because Indonesia is a strategic partner of the Philippines and a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Established unity and friendship with the Indonesian fleet. Bring the eternal vigilance of sailors! “KRI Nanggala and his team are preparing for the simulated torpedo launch that disappeared in the Bali Strait on April 21. According to reports, an 850-meter deep shipwreck was found in the waters of the island.


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