Myanmar rebels say they destroyed the military base bordering Thailand

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A spokesman for the organization said that a group of well-known national insurgents attacked and burned a military base on the border of eastern Myanmar with Mae Hong Son province on Tuesday morning. There was a riot on February 1, during which the security forces brutally suppressed the demonstrators. One of the biggest opponents, the Karen National Union (KNU) and the army clashed for weeks on the territory along the eastern border of Myanmar. Fighting broke out in Karen State on the Salween River, which borders part of the border. Thai residents said they heard gunfire and explosions in Myanmar. The Kuomintang said: “Our troops occupied the Burmese military camp.” Padoh So Tau Ni said in a statement on international relations that the fighting took place at around 5 a.m. , Tau Le Hta’s camp was “burnt”. He said: “We can hear each other’s voices, and we can also hear gunfire.” Khkara has long lived in Mae Hong Son (Mae Hong Son) in the northwestern province of Thailand. He is of the Karen ethnic group and has only one name. He said: “We saw five or six Burmese soldiers running towards the river, and then we saw the Kuomintang shooting at them, but it was very dark.” Last month, after the Kuomintang invaded the military base, the military government made a move. In response to countless night air strikes, this is the first air strike in Karen State in more than 20 years.Kakara said that some villagers have fled their homes and moved to other cities, fearing reprisals from the Myanmar military. He told AFP: “No one dared to stay. They fled this morning when the fire started.” In the past few weeks, more than 24,000 civilians have been displaced in Karen State, of which about 2,000 have crossed the river to seek Temporary shelter in Thailand. It is estimated that one-third of Myanmar’s territory, mainly in the border areas, is controlled by many insurgent groups with militias. The Kuomintang publicly condemned the military coup, saying that at least 2,000 anti-coup dissidents fled the unrest in the city. Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi joined the ethnic groups to form a new unified government, which increased the possibility of protracted conflict with the military government. As part of the training, members also campaigned for the creation of trade unions. Tao Ni said at the time that such an army is “needed”, although it will take some time before negotiations can be resumed. He said: “The military government has caused people in the mainland and the areas controlled by the Korean People’s League to live in fear.””We, the Kuomintang, accept in principle the formation of a federal army, but it is unrealistic to form an army in a short period of time.” Only when the rights we demand are guaranteed can the Bundeswehr become a reality. A local surveillance organization tracking the death toll said that more than 750 civilians have been killed by security officials since February 1. The military government is much smaller and accuses violent.

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