Syria – Iran, and Hezbollah prevent citizens of Neirab town in Idlib from returning home

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Neirab town – Syria 02/11/2020 People of Neirab town in northern Syria have lost hope in Returning home because they expect the return of the military escalation between the Syrian opposition forces and the Syrian army, which is backed by Hezbollah and Iran affiliated military factions. people make it obvious through the fire shells that fall on them every day, from the areas where Hezbollah forces are deployed, a few kilometers from the entrance to the town. As for the people who have returned to the area, they refer to the grim conditions they live, in addition to the increase in food prices, and the lack of job opportunities. in the fact of timid support by humanitarian organizations dealing with the conditions of the displaced people. Several other residents explained that there is a significant section of the forcibly displaced who no longer able to return because of the great destruction in the town, caused by Hezbollah and military factions affiliated with Iran. It is confirmed that the military factions withdrew from the town last February, following a ceasefire agreement between the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and the Turkish President, Erdogan.  

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