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Israeli shelling kills young artist in her home in Gaza

22 year-old Palestinian artist and painter, Dunyana Al-Amour, did not expect the studio that was her safe space to become her dying place. Israeli army during its recent attack on Gaza, targetedAl-Amour family home, located near the border…

Israeli strike hits residential building in Gaza

Israeli army today, Saturday, launched an air strike on a three-storey residential building in Gaza port area on Abu Hasira Street that belongs to Khalifa family. The building is inhabited by a number of families. The strike is part of a…

Israeli air strike kills Islamic Jihad commander

Palestinian Islamic Jihad confirmed an Israeli air strike killed the commander of its armed wing the Al-Quds Brigades-Taysir al-Jabari Friday afternoon. The air strike hit a residential tower in Gaza. The shelling killed 9 and injured 44,…

Gaza group marks thirty years of service to deaf community

In the middle-class Al-Nasr District, a crafts bazaar showcases the impact of thirty years of activities by a group of Gaza women determined to educate their deaf children left behind by existing Palestinian and international organizations.…