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Farmer finds Byzantine mosaic on his land

A farmer discovered an ornate floor mosaic dating back to the Byzantine era while he was planting an olive tree on his land in Gaza Strip. Farmer Salman Al Nabahin said he was digging in the ground when he discovered the remains of a…

Stop Complaining and Fix The Problem

By: Mohammad Elajlouni The experts predicted it would be a miserable summer for travel worldwide. And this time, they were right. Omicron-driven staff shortages and the surge of extreme weather emergencies resulted in…

Israeli shelling kills young artist in her home in Gaza

22 year-old Palestinian artist and painter, Dunyana Al-Amour, did not expect the studio that was her safe space to become her dying place. Israeli army during its recent attack on Gaza, targetedAl-Amour family home, located near the border…