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Dates Harvesting Season in Gaza

Adroitly, Gazan Farmers climb Palm trees announcing the commencement of harvest season, using special tools for cropping, assembling them on carts and transporting them to be sold in the markets. The one month annual season, contributes to…

Covid wave reaches its peak in Gaza

The spokesperson for the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Ashraf Al -Qidra, stated that they are making every effort to fight the pandemic. According to Al- Qidra the ministry has set up oxygen stations to save the lives of patients in…

A Mural in Gaza Depicting Gilbo’a Prison Break

In support of Gilbo’a Prisoners, a number of Gazan Artists cooperated to embody the Prison Break incident on a Mural inside Gaza Strip which included what they called “Spoon of Freedom” the tool that prisoners have used to dig their escape…