King Abdullah holds meeting with Heads of Permanent committees in the Senate

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King Abdullah held a meeting with the heads of the Senate’s permanent committees at Al Husseiniya Palace on Wednesday. He emphasized the significance of their experience as national figures in enhancing legislation and supporting modernization initiatives.

According to a statement from the Royal Court, King Abdullah praised the Senate’s collaboration with the House of Representatives and the government to ensure the success of modernization initiatives. He urged coordination with the government to ensure the commitment of ministries and institutions to implementation.

His Majesty called for continuously reaching out to the public and the media to deliver messages clearly to Jordanians.

Turning to regional developments, the King reaffirmed Jordan’s unwavering position towards the Palestinian cause, highlighting that all the efforts that the Kingdom undertakes and the meetings it takes part in are aimed at supporting the Palestinians, bringing calm to the Palestinian Territories, and safeguarding Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

First Deputy President of the Senate Samir Rifai said the chamber’s permanent committees work in light of the reform vision of His Majesty, reaffirming the importance the King’s keenness to follow up on the implementation of modernization plans.

Rifai also highlighted Jordan’s role in working towards calm in the Palestinian Territories.

For their part, heads of the permanent committees at the Senate gave an overview of their current mandates and presented a number of suggestions to develop the various sectors and improve services.

They underscored the importance of the modernization tracks and ensuring their implementation, noting the significance of empowering women and young people, and raising their political awareness to ensure active engagement in political modernization

They also called for promoting vocational training and education to keep up with labour market demand, stressing their commitment to keeping channels of communication open with the public to understand their needs and concerns.

The attendees spoke about current efforts to amend the Senate’s internal rules of procedure to develop performance in coordination with the House of Representatives, stressing the importance of working in tandem with other branches of authority.

They also commended His Majesty’s approach to foreign policy and steadfast position in defending Arab causes, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.

The senators condemned the recent actions of an Israeli minister, describing them as a flagrant violation of international law and the 1994 Peace Treaty and stressing the need to counter such extremist ideologies and bolster Jordan’s national front.

They expressed support for the King’s efforts in safeguarding Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, under the Hashemite Custodianship.

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