Turkish-Saudi business and investment forum kicks off

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The activities of the Turkish-Saudi Business Forum were launched, featuring the Turkish Minister of Treasury and Finance and the Saudi Minister of Investment.

The forum came to start real steps to reach the goal of bilateral trade volume between the two countries.

Turkish Minister Noureddine Al-Nabati said during the forum that the volume of trade exchange between Turkey and Saudi Arabia rose to $4.3 billion during the first ten months.

He called on Saudi investors to take advantage of opportunities in the financial markets in his country, following the lead of international counterparts.

The “Turkey Business and Investment Roundtable” meeting held last June is considered the key step for Turkish-Saudi economic relations, according to the Saudi Deputy Minister of Investment, Badr Al-Badr.

On the other hand, analysts considered that political decisions taken by the two sides during the past months pave the way for the two countries to set up mutual economic projects.

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