Smaller nations, including Singapore, welcome G20’s call to improve food security

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A group of 30 smaller countries has welcomed the Group of 20’s (G20) call to improve food security amid the prevailing food crisis by speeding up the move towards sustainable and resilient agriculture, food systems and supply chains.

The Global Governance Group (3G) said in a statement on Friday that it appreciated the commitment of the G20 to “take urgent actions to save lives, prevent hunger and malnutrition, particularly to address the vulnerabilities of developing countries”.

The 3G also welcomed the G20’s support for open, transparent, inclusive, predictable and non-discriminatory, rules-based agricultural trade based on World Trade Organisation rules.

The 3G, whose members include Singapore, Bahrain, Finland, Malaysia and Uruguay, was commenting on the G20 summit held in Bali from Nov 15 to 16, where issues such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the energy crisis and climate change were discussed.

The 3G was formed in 2009 to influence the G20 countries to take into account the interests of smaller countries affected by its decisions, and is regularly represented at its summits.

On the energy crisis, the 3G noted the G20’s assessment that its member countries are experiencing volatility in energy prices and markets, as well as shortages and disruptions to energy supply, which have been compounded by geopolitical challenges.

“In this context, the 3G appreciates the G20’s commitment to transform and diversify energy systems, and advance energy security and resilience by accelerating clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions,” it said.

The 3G also said that it looks forward to the call for G20 countries to strengthen their 2030 climate action plans to cut emissions and adapt to climate impacts, in line with the Paris Agreement.

It reiterated that climate change is an existential global issue and called for all countries to work with the G20 countries to address the challenge together.

Noting that the summit took place amid the war in Ukraine impacting the global economy, the 3G said that it appreciates the G20 countries’ commitment to upholding international law and the multilateral system, which includes defending all principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

On the pandemic fund that will help countries better prepare for future pandemics and was officially launched during the summit, the 3G said that the move showed G20’s commitment to increase the capacity of developing countries for pandemic preparedness and response capabilities.

It also expressed appreciation that G20 is taking steps to ensure the fund is inclusive of perspectives of low- and middle-income countries and non-G20 partners like the 3G in its decision making.

It also expressed its appreciation to this year’s G20 host nation, Indonesia, for its active engagement with the group’s members and added its hope that this will continue under next year’s host, India.




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