Iraqis call on political parties to forge a roadmap to end government paralysis

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Ordinary Iraqis are increasingly anxious over the continued sit-in and political standoff at the parliament building in Baghdad. Baghdad resident Abu Seif Al-Salawi told A24 that the Iraqi people are victims of their politicians’ stalemate and are tired of the deterioration of public services and rising unemployment. On Thursday, the Sadrist movement renewed its rejection of the dialogue initiated by acting Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi. Al Sadr demands a rewrite of the constitution, abolishing the country’s sectarian quota system and insisting that foreign powers- meaning Iran and the United States- leave the country. Al-Sadr’s spokesman Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, called on political forces to hold a public dialogue session via live broadcast, questioning what happens during closed and secret sessions that do not consider the legitimate desires of the people to bring security and safety to the country.


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