Mosaic artists keep the ancient art alive and dazzling

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Tunisian Museums house the world’s greatest collections of ancient mosaics, made by the Carthaginians and Romans during their reign in the North African country.

Mosaic art, often used as floor and wall decoration is one of the oldest crafts used by civilizations to preserve their history and reflect ancient life.

Many materials other than traditional stone and ceramic may be employed in modern mosaics, including shells, beads, charms, chains, and gears.

Tunisian mosaic craftsmen told A24 News Agency that mosaics decorating private homes reflect the wealth and elevated social status of their owners. They said they are keen on maintaining the mosaic art and creating mosaics within a contemporary context.

The craftsmen added that they are doing their best to make unique pieces of mosaics that can be used as gifts or to decorate furniture.

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