Distrust amongst Peruvians towards politicians distorts presidential elections

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Lima, Perú –  The Peruvian Congress and the overall population have remained divided after months of complicated presidential elections.

The country has been witnessing months of instability due to the inadequacy of the country’s incumbent president, as he was accused by political analysts of being mired in a quagmire of scandals and corruption-related cases against him for malpractice.

Many have described him as being a novice and lacking the experience to hold such a position.

Alejandro Boyco, a political analyst, said the elections started with 20 candidates whom not even one managed to obtain the approval of the people, attributing this to the distrust amongst the people towards the authorities and politicians.

He added that the people are divided and cannot make up their minds as they are left with a candidate that is accused of having communist affiliations, earning the distrust of the businessmen community, and a candidate whose family is known for being dictators and the corruption cases following her.

Peruvians expressed their concerns and said that the communists have been running gangs and destroying the country.

Referring to the second round of the polls between Pedro Castills and Keiko Fujimori, Boyco said “The country was divided, some rejected and were afraid of the left that Pedro Castillo represents because he ran with a party that’s openly communist.”

“Although he (Castillo) has said many times that he isn’t a communist, it still generated a lot of fear in the business community and Lima especially,” he added.

The analyst said that there are 3 parties that have sought the vacancy of the president from the beginning; Fuerza Popular, Avanza País, and Renovación Popular.

“This government that has come to power in the country is an extremist communist government, which has made many conscious Peruvians take to the streets to speak out and express their grievances for the past 6 months. We have been fighting to prevent this character from destroying the country,” one citizen said.

Some, on the other hand, have argued for the President’s case, saying that it is a slander campaign led by the right-wingers to depose the president.

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