Human misery and displacement sorrow at Sahel Al-Banat camp in Raqqa

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People of Sahla al-Banat camp, in eastern Raqqa, suffer appalling conditions, due to the scarcity of the essentials of life in the camp. This camp is one of the several random camps in Al-Raqqa, home to about 75 families, most of them are women and children, who suffer from a lack of medical treatment, inadequate hygiene, and a general lack of basic facilities. The camp is surrounded by a waste dump, which has spread diseases and infections among children, while there are no medical facilities, amid the shortage of medicines and the poor humanitarian aid supplied by organizations. Although Two years have passed since the establishment of the camps, there are roughly 58 camps including spontaneous camps, in the countryside of Raqqa, the majority of them lack infrastructure.

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