US travellers to Singapore can now submit other vaccination certs to use VTL: CAAS

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Travelers from the United States to Singapore who wish to use the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) scheme but have difficulties producing a digitally verifiable vaccination certificate can now submit other documents to prove their vaccination status.

They can produce a physical vaccination record and a letter signed by the vaccination provider, said the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) on Saturday (Nov 13).

The letter should contain the personal particulars of the traveler as well as details of his vaccination.

They can also provide a digital vaccination record retrieved through their state’s or local health authority’s public health database, said Ms Margaret Tan, director of airport operations regulation and aviation security at CAAS.

Singapore citizens and permanent residents do not have to apply for a vaccinated travel pass before traveling back, Ms Tan said in response to media queries.

They can show either the physical or digital record of their vaccination before departure at the airline check-in counter and to the immigration authorities on arrival in Singapore.



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