More than 9,000 people applied for work permits in Israel

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The Palestinian Ministry of Labor in the Gaza Strip announced on the ministry’s website that registration for work permits inside Israel is open. This is part of Israeli facilities following recent understandings with Hamas and the Palestinian factions through mediators, which resulted in work permits for nearly 30,000 workers, to alleviate the suffering of workers amid the grim economic situation in the sector, especially the segment of workers whit have been substantially affected by the siege, wars, and the closure of industrial facilities and crossings. The media spokesman for the government in Gaza, Salama Maarouf, stated that the announcement of the registration of those wishing to work in Israel comes in the context of the understandings that were previously made with mediators to allow the current number to be increased, pointing out that this step will have positive repercussions on workers by reducing unemployment rates in the sector.

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