Yemeni Forces Inflicts Heavy losses on Houthi Militia in Shabwa

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Yemeni Government Forces inflicts heavy losses on Houthi Militia in Beihan front, Shabwa Governorate, South East Yemen. According to the military media, the government forces launched an attack on Houthi positions in Al-Alam, Beihan district, which resulted in a number of deaths and injuries in the ranks of the militia. On the other hand, the Houthi military spokesman said that they were able to control the districts of Usaylan, Beihan, and Ain in Shabwa, the districts of Harib and Abdiya, and parts of the districts of Jabal Murad and Juba in Marib, he added in a press statement that the total area of seized lands during ‘Spring of Victory’ military operation is three thousand two hundred square kilometers.


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