Three Children Killed Others Wounded in Houthi Shelling on Taiz

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Today, Saturday, Al-Kamb district in Taiz city was bombed by Houthi Militia, killing three children from one family, and wounding others, initial resources reported that the injured children are seriously harmed and their condition is critical and may lead to death which makes the killed toll likely to rise. This bombing comes in a series of bombings carried out by the Houthi group targeting residential districts in Taiz amid a severe siege imposed on the city for the last 6 years, as it is stationed on the road, main outlets, and mountainous heights overlooking residential districts, while children are the most victims of these operations. According to human rights reports, Houthi bombing victims numbers In Taiz city from 2015 until the end of 2020, have reached more than 17,326 civilians, most of whom are children.

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