Donations given to flood victims in Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia

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The recent flooding in Banteay Meanchey province, displaced many people, inundated roads and houses, and damaged crops. The residents of the flooded areas were brought to shelters and received donations from officials in the country.

The heavy rainfall that continues to fall over Banteay Meanchey caused a rapid rise in water levels of streams and lakes in the province. Water overflowing from those bodies of water and from Thailand submerged multiple areas of the province and displaced residents.

The capital of the province also experienced flooding, with people living on the outskirts having to be evacuated by authorities. Poipet City authorities evacuated a great number of residents as well, especially those living along the river banks.

The Governor of Banteay Meanchey, Oum Rat, accompanied by the Deputy Governor, Om Chantha to distribute donations to flood victims. They gave donations to 59 families in one of the shelters.

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