Vietnam signs agreement to promote sales of agricultural products through digital platforms

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A letter of intent was signed in Hà Nội this Tuesday to run a program to facilitate digital transformation and support small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives and entrepreneurial households to consume agricultural products in the country. and Investments (MoPI), the Economic Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Agricultural Processing and Market Development Authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Trade Promotion and Investment Center of the Việt Nam Cooperative Alliance, and Grab Vietnam. Help sell agricultural products through digital platforms in places affected or blocked by COVID-19, including experiments in Grab. Practical activities will also be carried out to raise awareness of the digital transformation between businesses, cooperatives, households and farmers. It is also part of the program to assist businesses in digital transformation through 2021-25. Grab previously announced the GrabConnect project to connect farmers with consumers across the country to consume safe products and local specialties. Grab also launched the first plan to consume 300 tons of Lục Ngạn lychees in Bắc Giang Province through Grab’s ecological system.

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