SINDYAN launches the largest virtual exhibition to connect Jordanian factories, companies, and service providers to global markets.

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SINDYAN launches the largest virtual exhibition to connect Jordanian factories, companies and service providers to global markets in cooperation with the Investment Authority, Jordan Chamber of Industry, Jordan Chamber of Commerce and a number of national success partners.

SINDYAN invites in cooperation with its partners from the public and private sectors; Jordanian factories, institutions and companies to participate in the International Virtual Expo, which is supposed to be held during the period 28th of July to 2nd of August , for a period of 6 interactive days that match the highest international standards for virtual exhibitions and aims primarily to promote Jordanian industries, services and products in the global market.

The organizers of the exhibition stressed that the event will, for the first time, enable Jordanian and foreign companies and institutions to communicate with each other and commercial and industrial cooperation, in addition to exchanging experiences among all participants. It will also open the way for small and large companies and institutions that have been affected by the obstacles of the pandemic, to obtain facilities and advantages through Networking and marketing locally and globally, enabling them to rebuild their damaged institutions.

Mr. Fadi Al-Daoud, Secretary-General of SINDYAN, said that the establishment of the Kingdom’s Expo is one of SINDYAN ‘s most important goals to support and empower the national economy, as it was approved to implement this project using the best virtual conference platforms, which is characterized by a huge number of interactive features that provide the opportunity for our institutions and our national companies to reach customers or partners Success from all over the world.

Those wishing to attend or participate can register via the following website:

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