SafeEntry Gateway check-out boxes to be rolled out at malls, other high footfall venues

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Checking out of a public venue such as a shopping mall will soon be possible via the SafeEntry Gateway system, with a progressive roll-out planned over “the coming weeks”.

In a press release on Friday (Jun 18), the Ministry of Health (MOH) said that the SafeEntry Gateway check-out boxes will be deployed at venues with high footfall, such as shopping malls, hospitals and polyclinics.

The check-out boxes will also be made available at places where individuals are likely to be in close proximity for prolonged periods with their masks off, such as food and beverage outlets and gyms.

The ministry said this follows public feedback from users who wish to perform check-outs via the SafeEntry Gateway system but are unable to do so currently.

This will also help to facilitate more precise contact tracing efforts, MOH said.

These SafeEntry Gateway boxes are already in use at public venues for check-ins, with visitors placing their TraceTogether tokens or mobile phones within 25cm of the gateway device.

Authorities said eligible businesses will be notified and will receive their SafeEntry Gateway check-out boxes in the coming weeks.

Members of the public are encouraged to perform SafeEntry check-outs when leaving the premises as far as possible.

“This information will support the contact tracing process by providing more details for the identification of close contacts,” MOH added in its press release.

Authorities on Friday also announced a new measure, which will send alerts via SMS to individuals who have visited COVID-19 hotspots on the same days as the confirmed cases.

These individuals will also be required to undergo mandatory testing at designated testing centres and stay isolated until they receive their results.

“While the risk of infection is lower if they were to test negative, they should continue to limit their interactions with others as an added precaution and restrict their activities to only those which are essential,” MOH said.


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