Russia is considering transferring COVID-19 vaccine technology to Vietnam

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Russia has initiated a process to consider transferring the technology behind the Sputnik-V vaccine to Vietnam, Federation Council president Valentina Matvienko said yesterday in a phone conversation with National Assembly President V Präsidentenng Đình Huệ. Donation of 1,000 Sputnik-V vaccines and a recent agreement to help the country secure an additional 20 million doses. The two sides have also worked around the clock to find ways to get more vaccines from Russia to Vietnam. Bilateral relations between Namibia and Russia and the old friendship The two countries will continue the exchange of high-level delegates and the exchange of experience in drafting laws and military relations in accordance with a cooperation agreement signed in 2012, cooperation within regional and international organizations, in particular the United Nations, to continue. After the signing of the Eurasian Economic Union with Reciprocity in 2020, that hit $ 4.85 billion, up 9 percent from the previous year. Oil and energy continued to be key sectors in Vietnam-Russia cooperation, as well as the military, education and science. and technology and travel.

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