PFDA records high unloading volume amid monsoon season

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The Philippine Fisheries Development Authority (PFDA) through its Regional Fish Ports (RFP) has recorded a 3.71 percent increase in its weekly unloading volume during the May 31 to June 6, 2021 period, which marks the entry of rainy season.

In its two-week comparative report, the PFDA RFPs unloaded 11,921.24 metric tons (MT) of fish for their nationwide consumers amidst the occasional “above-normal rains” in Metro Manila and the western section of the country.

The data showed that the General Santos Fish Port Complex and Navotas Fish Port Complex (NFPC) accumulated the most volume after delivering 5,449.51 MT with a 4.26 percent increase, and 4,351.03 MT with a 17.95 percent increase, respectively.

Lucena Fish Port Complex has also recorded a 6.41 percent increase which totaled 328.75 MT.

The Davao Fish Port Complex, on the other hand, managed to recover from a dip with a 34.01 percent increase or 72.98 MT.

Zamboanga Fish Port Complex reached the highest percentage increase among all ports with 312.09 percent or more than 180 MT.

Sual Fish Port registered twice from its previous record with 35.70 MT while Bulan Fish Port Complex and Iloilo Fish Port Complex still showed significant performance by unloading 1,091.73 MT and 410.73 MT, respectively.

As of June 6, PFDA RFPs have already unloaded a total of 691,914.51 MT of fish since the start of the community quarantine last March 2020.

The state weather bureau mentioned that the intermittent and occasional above normal rainfall conditions brought by the southwest monsoon or hanging habagat will affect Metro Manila and other parts of the country.

Regardless of these unprecedented weather conditions, the PFDA-NFPC said it can supply the demand in Metro Manila and other parts of Luzon with adequate and quality fish supply.


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