Ha noi’s vegetable seller tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and the source of infection is unknown

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A vegetable seller at a market in the Đông Anh district of Hà Nội tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 on Sunday evening, reported the North Thăng Long Hospital. 30 and bought medication from a pharmacy to self-medicate. Two days earlier he stopped selling vegetables in the market. He stayed home from May 30th to June 4th. At 1:30 p.m. on June 4, she visited North Thăng Long Hospital. She was admitted to a temporary isolation room with a diagnosis of bronchopneumonia. When she entered the hospital, she had a mild fever of 37.8 degrees Celsius and chest pain with cloudy sputum when coughing. sent to a quarantine area of ​​the Infectious Diseases Department. The patient now has a fever of 38 degrees and still has a cough but no shortness of breath.

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