Florida bans transgender athletes from female sports

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Florida has become the latest US state to ban transgender girls and women from participating in female sports at public schools and colleges.

The state’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis signed the measure into law on Tuesday.

The law says women and girls must play on the teams of the biological sex on their birth certificate.

LGBT activists have denounced the move as “discriminatory”, with one group vowing to launch a legal challenge.

“We believe that is very important that the integrity of these competitions are preserved,” Mr DeSantis said as he signed the law at a Christian school in Jacksonville city.

“We’re gonna go based on biology, not based on ideology when we’re doing sports.”

The move comes as Republican-led states push back against pro-LGBT policies supported by the administration of Democratic US President Joe Biden.

What does the law say?
Florida’s law defines an athlete’s sex as that stated on official documents at birth.

Called the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, the law says sports teams for girls and women “may not be open to students of the male sex”.

It’s not clear whether all female athletes must now show their birth certificates to be in sports teams.

The law would not bar female athletes from playing on boys or men’s teams.


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