Biden said the U.S. will rapidly increase global vaccine trade

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President Joe Biden announced on Thursday that a major and direct boost to COVAX’s efforts, with only 76 million doses being transferred to countries in need. The announcement was made a few hours after World Health Organization officials rescheduled vaccine replacement requests in Africa. The reason was that supplies on the African continent were “nearly paralyzed” and the incidence of the virus has soared recently. Two weeks. In June, the most important thing is about COVAX. Officials say that a quarter of the country’s surplus will be used for emergencies and shared directly with US allies and partners. Among the first batch of 19 million donations through COVAX, about 6 million doses were shipped to South and Central America, 7 million doses were shipped to Asia, and 5 million doses were shipped to Africa.

“As long as this pandemic is raging anywhere in the world, the American people will still be vulnerable,” Biden said in a statement. “And the United States is committed to bringing the same urgency to international vaccination efforts that we have demonstrated at home.”

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated that the United States will “will retain the say” on the final decision on the dose to be distributed through COVAX.

He also said: “We’re not seeking to extract concessions, we’re not extorting, we’re not imposing conditions the way that other countries who are providing doses are doing, These are doses that are being given, donated free and clear to these countries, for the sole purpose of improving the public health situation and helping end the pandemic.”

The remaining 6 million, initially allocated 25 million, will be provided by the White House to US allies and partners, including Mexico, Canada, South Korea, West Bank and Gaza, India, Ukraine, Kosovo, Haiti, Georgia, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq With Yemen and United Nations staff on the front lines.

The White House did not say when the overseas doses will start, but spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the government hopes to ship them “as quickly as we can logistically get those out the door.”

When the demand for vaccines in the United States dropped significantly (more than 63% of adults received at least one dose) and global supply inequality became more apparent, the long-awaited vaccine exchange program came into being. From the United States, but Mexico and Canada alone received a total of 4.5 million doses. The United States also announced plans to share enough vaccines with South Korea to vaccinate the 550,000 soldiers fighting alongside the US military on the peninsula. Coordinator Jeff Zientes said that 1 million doses of Johnson & Johnson will be shipped to South Korea on Thursday.

US approach means that “senior workers and high-risk groups will receive a life-saving vaccine” and will bring the world “one step closer to ending the acute phase of the pandemic,” said Dr. Seth. Berkeley, CEO of Gavi, the Lead of the COVAX Alliance.

Biden has promised to provide 60 million U of AstraZeneca vaccine to other countries. The vaccine has not yet been approved in the United States, but has been widely approved globally. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted a week-long safety review. Without it, it would be difficult for Biden to achieve his disclosure goals. Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson It is expected that more doses will be provided in the coming months.

The United States controls the initial production of domestic manufacturers through purchasing agreements with drug manufacturers. Pfizer and Moderna have just started exporting US-made vaccines to overseas customers. The United States still has hundreds of millions of doses. The White House also announced that U.S. manufacturers of vaccine materials and ingredients will no longer need to prioritize orders from three pharmacists (Sanofi, Novavax, and AstraZeneca) who have not yet received U.S. approval for COVID-19 injections. For further delivery to be Send overseas to support production there.

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