As the COVID-19 outbreak increases, HCM City extends the social distancing order for another two weeks

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HCM City People’s Committee Chairman Nguyễn Thành Phong agreed on Monday to extend city-wide social distancing under Government Policy No. 15 until the end of June amid the developing coronavirus outbreaks in the city. Major outbreaks related to a Christian mission group, which originally expired on Tuesday (June 15), were detained for an additional two weeks (until midnight on the 30th non-vital services and businesses in the city of HCM would continue, gatherings of five or more people in public outdoor areas are not allowed, while people (especially people over 60 years of age) are recommended to stay at home unless it serves essential purposes and must maintain a distance of 2 m when contact is made. The districts of Gò Vấp and Thạnh Lộc of District 12, the first epicentres of the outbreaks in the city, have been subject to the rest of the city under Directive No. 15 as of Tuesday as of 31st.

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