Vietnam expects a strong recovery in imports and exports in the first quarter.

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A Vietnamese trade and Industry official said that Vietnam’s imports and exports increased sharply in the first quarter, up 24.1% year-on-year to US$152.65 billion. The Ministry of Industry and Trade said: “Vietnam has made full use of the new generation of free trade agreements that have come into force, such as the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and the UK-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. Hải said (UKVFTA) and “Comprehensive and advanced Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)”, the country’s exports in the first quarter increased by 22% year-on-year. He said that exporters need continuous innovation and improvement. He said that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Association (RCEP) will also take effect soon and help To promote exports. In the first three quarters of 2020, the EU market is worth US$29.44 billion, down 4.7% from the same period in 2019.However, only three months after the entry into force of EVFTA, exports to the EU market reached 11.08 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 5% over the same period in 2019. By the end of 2020, exports to the EU market reached 40.5 billion U.S. dollars. According to Hoy. For example, he said that the increase in demand in Europe and North America in the first quarter benefited most from electronics, home appliances and furniture. However, the export of shoes, clothing and textiles is full of problems caused by interference. Nguyen Van Thi, president of TNG Investment and Trading Co., Ltd., said that the company’s sales in March were 326 billion won, an increase of more than 28% over the same period last year, and the total sales in the first quarter were 910 billion won. Get out. Compared with the same period last year, it increased by 18%. The production outlook for the second quarter is more optimistic. Equity increased by 27.5% to 447.8 billion won (US$19).According to the National Bureau of Statistics, 46 billion in the first quarter of this year). Research on the business performance of manufacturing and manufacturing companies found that the company expects its manufacturing and business in the second quarter to be better than in the first quarter.

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