The city where HCM’s health department is located has received regional and international recognition – Vietnam

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The HCM Ministry of Health in the city continues to devote itself to the development of the latest medical technology applications in general hospitals and specialty hospitals, followed by Asian counterparts. In recent years, many new and advanced medical technologies have helped the city’s health department to make significant progress in treatment and prevention. One of the most notable achievements is that in July last year, a team of nearly 100 doctors from the City Children’s Hospital, Children’s Hospitals 1 and 2, Ch Ry Ry Hospital and other institutions separated the 16-month-old Siamese twins. . This success helped the city strengthen its health brand nationally and globally. The country’s first operation to separate Siamese twins was performed at Todo Hospital 33 years ago, which lacked modern equipment. The operation marked a new milestone for the city’s health department at that time. He also ate Siamese twins at TừD Hospital in 1988, and last year he underwent a 16-month-old Siamese twin surgery. At the 10th National Congress of Patriotism Simulation, Dr. Dr. Answer: Last July, the operation to separate conjoined twins was one of the ten most difficult operations for conjoined twins in the world. The twins are attached to the pelvis and abdomen, and there is only one anus between them. They have two blisters on both sides of their normal abdomen, one open pubic bone, and one round pelvis.The twins are now healthy and are undergoing rehabilitation at the Children’s City Hospital. On April 8th of that year, doctors at the hospital performed an operation on the boy to close his temporary stomach and form a complete digestive tract. Another boy will undergo surgery when he is two years old to create a real anus.

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