Singapore to extend stay-home notice to 21 days for travellers from higher-risk places

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Travellers with recent travel history to higher risk countries and regions will have to serve a 21-day stay-home notice at dedicated facilities from May 8.

Those currently serving their stay-home notice and have yet to complete it before this date will have to serve another seven days at their stay-home notice location.

Higher risk countries and regions refer to all places except Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Mainland China, New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

Speaking at a press conference by the multi-ministry task force on Tuesday (May 4), co-chair Lawrence Wong said the global COVID-19 situation has “worsened”, with new variants and new cases spreading from South Asia to Southeast Asia.

“We are adopting this more stringent border measure up until the end of May, beyond at that time we will do a further review depending on the global situation and the local situation, and we will continue to update and fine-tune our border measures.”

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