Myanmar’s military airstrike in Kayin State brings more than 2,000 people into Thailand

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More than 2,000 people fled to Thailand this week to escape a Myanmar military airstrike near an internally displaced person camp in Karon State. On Thursday morning, about 1,700 people crossed the Salween River from the Mutrav area (also known as Hpapun). According to the Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN) in Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand. After the military government launched multiple airstrikes in the area, they tracked about 300 people who crossed the border on Wednesday. KPS reported that the Ei Htu Hta camp for internally displaced persons took place on Thursday afternoon and evening and at 1:30 am on Friday. “They are not far from Ei Khtu Khta. KPSN member and Secretary General of the Karen Women’s Organization, Nau K’nyau Po, said that you heard the shelling. The military carried out 9 air strikes in Mutlau from Tuesday to Wednesday. The number of air strikes was increased to 12 in one day. There were no reports of casualties during this round of strikes. According to KPSN, the military is expected to stay there for 48 hours in accordance with Thai policy.

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