Casino employees express their concerns over facing redundancy

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Despite that the Naga World Casino in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, achieved net profits of $ 102.3 million and paid $ 81 million to shareholders in 2020, it has announced plans to lay off 1,329 workers. President of Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of Naga World, Chhim Sithar, said that he is very disappointed to hear that the largest casino in Cambodia is planning to lay off 1,329 workers to save the cost of the expenses and ensure the stability of their business during the Covid crisis in Cambodia, adding that the company only cares about its profits, but it ignores the living conditions of workers who cannot even buy food and pay their debts to the banks, meanwhile several casino employees expressed their fear of not receiving their wages for the next month, as they this month the only received 40% of their salaries.

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