After a doctor has been tested positive, Vietnam’s leading COVID-19 hospital closes

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Ha noi National Tropical Disease Hospital, the main COVID-19 treatment center in the northern region, will be closed for two weeks from today to May 19. Prior to this, the doctor, Chairman of Hani People’s Committee Zhu Nengguo Anh, had tested positive results for the coronavirus. . The purpose of the suspension is to quickly contain the epidemic and ensure the safety of doctors and medical staff on the frontline of the pandemic, as they are testing COVID-19 prevention and control measures in today’s hospitals and have conducted long-distance phone calls with the management staff of the isolated hospital. Hospital dean Pham Ngoc Thuch said that after the hospital reported that the doctor’s test result was positive, there were a total of 827 people: doctors, medical staff, service staff, patients and family members, including 101 COVID-19 patients. It is currently your supervision time. …-Of the 400 samples processed on Wednesday afternoon, 14 tested positive, including two doctors, eight patients hospitalized for other diseases, and four relatives of hospitalized patients. He also asked the hospital department to notify and post posters with instructions so that patients to be examined can be referred to the corresponding medical center. All doctors, family members of patients, and medical staff on the Queensway campus should be isolated, and preventive measures should be strengthened to avoid the risk of cross-contamination in the hospital. Tested positive for COVID-19 after traveling abroad. The doctor’s travel history is very complicated. During the holidays, he had many direct contacts with the five areas of the city: Tongan, Papua New Guinea, Wangda, Dahe and Huangmai.

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