A black day in Cambodia, 6 new deaths, now 102 deaths, and 730 new COVID-19 cases

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After yesterday’s respite, the Cambodian Ministry of Health today announced 6 new deaths and 730 new cases.

The six cases are:

• A 71-year-old Cambodian living in Tahmao City, Kandar Province, was admitted to the Khmer Friendship Hospital of the Soviet Union at 11:20 am Moscow time on April 23, 2021. There is a history of fever, cough, and hypertension. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor took swab samples, which later tested positive for COVID-19. His condition worsened day by day, and he put him on a ventilator to overcome his shortness of breath. He died of the virus on May 1. 7:10 am.

• A 71-year-old Cambodian woman living in Sangkat Tul Sangke in Khan Rassi Keo, Phnom Penh, was admitted to the Khmer Friendship Hospital with the Soviet Union at 2:15 pm on April 28, 2021. His condition deteriorated and he started walking on a ventilator, but died of a fatal virus at 7:30 am on April 30.

• At 8:40 pm on April 23, 2021, a 76-year-old Cambodian woman from the holy city of Sihanoukville was admitted to the hospital with fever. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor swabbed the swab, and the result was positive for COVID-19. His condition deteriorated and after fighting for his life with the help of a fan, he lost the battle and died at 8:30 am on May 1.

• At 11:30 am on April 29th, a 61-year-old Cambodian living in Sangkat Steung Minchi, Phnom Penh, was admitted to Chak Angre Medical Center. Fever and cough. Tests have been conducted for COVID and the results have been confirmed to be positive for the virus. Despite the mechanical ventilation, his condition worsened every day and he died of COVID-19 at 9:00 am on May 1st.

• A 59-year-old Cambodian living in Sanger District, Kandal Province, entered Lumei Hospital at 1:30 pm on April 15 and tested positive for COVID-19. The patient also suffers from acute diabetes, and like other deaths, his condition is getting worse every day. He died of the pathogen at 5:48 pm on May 1.

• At 10:00 pm on April 30, a 45-year-old Cambodian from Sangkat Tonle Bassak living in Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh was taken to Luang Mei Hospital and tested positive for COVID-19. When his condition worsened, he was put on a ventilator and died at 12:48 am on May 1.


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