The coup wiped out nearly replenished work in the garment industry

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A leading worker’s rights advocate weighed that since the military government seized power on February 1, about 200,000 workers in the Myanmar garment industry have lost their jobs.

Ye Naing Win, a labor rights activist, said: “Since the coup, the well-known brands in the clothing industry have withdrawn from the market” and pointed out that fashion retailers have withdrawn from the country because the EU has imposed strict rules on Myanmar’s main market. Severe sanctions. Textile exports.

Ye Naing Win said that the industry has cut about 200,000 jobs due to Covid-19, and announced that it had hired at least 700,000 employees before the pandemic last March.

He said: “Covid-19 has also caused employment problems, so it has a lot of imitation effects.” He estimated that about half of the country’s garment factories are no longer open.

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