Mayor Sara Duterte asked the organizers of the pantries to coordinate with the village leaders.

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Mayor Sarah Duterte asked the organizers of the public storage room to coordinate with Barangai leaders to ensure crowd control. The City Information Office (CIO) emphasized in a statement on Wednesday that Duterte emphasized the need to continue to comply with minimum hygiene measures in public health facilities to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (Covid-19). “We must remember that our first love for the coronavirus is a mass gathering. Duterte said: “This event shows the spirit of Bayanik Khan, but it may also be the possible spread of Covi-19. she added: “Last year, we advised those who wish to distribute food and other items to the community to coordinate with Barangai, especially with the Davao City Police Department (DCPO). Duterte urged the organizers to strictly abide by the minimum public health protocols, such as staying away from society, using masks. she said: “If your public food storage room cannot be controlled and does not meet public health standards such as alienating people, Then it will not be able to achieve the goal of providing help to people, because it is also likely to be a potential source of transmission. “However, Duterte made it clear that the city does not want to set guidelines for public storage space, but will stick to the early form of coordination with the local barangai and government through the state aid program.

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