Khum Bridge: a Bridge to a distant past in Vietnam

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The Thạch Thất area on the outskirts of HàNội is famous for many examples of ancient architecture, including Khum Bridge. It is located in Yen Village in Thuch Ha City and is one of the three ancient bridges in the former Hatai Province. The other two bridges are the Nkhet Tien Kiu and Nguit Tien Kiu bridges in this tower. The bridge is famous for its unique structure-a building resembling a house above and a bridge below-and its shape is reminiscent of an inverted ship. According to Nguyen Van Bang, a member of the Yen Village Temple and Longhouse Management Committee, no one knows how old the bridge is, not even the oldest person in the village. It used to be the main link between the village and the other parts of the micro area. Villagers have to ignore it when trading nearby or just visiting nearby areas. Later, as the living conditions of the locals improved and more vehicles became available, new roads were built, other roads were widened, and access to the bridge was reduced. Although its utilization rate was not as good as before, it became A spiritual place. Especially the locals and many Hanni residents who wish to have good luck and health. The construction time of this building is unknown. The elders of the city remember that the bridge was severely damaged and was rebuilt to restore it to its current state.Bong said: “In 1948, the French army occupied the city and burned down the bridge.” “The villagers came to put out the fire and put it out, but the dark gray burns can still be seen. The upper minister of the bridge About 12 meters, it was built in the form of a five-room house with an old tiled roof. The central room of the church has six doors and there are wooden tents on both sides, where visitors can visit. Relax and chat. All interiors They are all carved from precious wood. The walls are made of red clay. The bridge structure has three huge drainage gates, which are also covered by red clay. When the tide is low, the boat can pass through the three-meter-high gate. The entrance of the bridge is decorated with decorations. Exquisite floral patterns and small statues of sacred animals show off the skills of ancient Vietnamese craftsmen. From a distance, the bridge looks like an upside-down ship, explaining its name-buzzing or bending. According to Bunge, the villagers of Yen led incense to cross the village on the 20th day of the second and eighth months of the lunar calendar, paying tribute to the local gods and praying for a year of peace and prosperity. There are many tourists on the 1st and 15th of every lunar month, and they wish them good luck and health. After countless ups and downs, this bridge has become an indispensable part of our history and a source of pride for us. For our people,” he added.

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