Cambodia’s death toll due to COVID-19 rises to 74, new cases are 616

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It is said that three more Covid-9 patients died from the deadly virus, a total of 74.

The Ministry of Health said the first case occurred in a 79-year-old Cambodian woman living in Phnom Penh. She arrived at the hospital at 12:40 pm on April 24, 2021. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor found that she had died before arriving to the hospital. A group of doctors analyzed the body and conducted a Covid test. The result is positive.

Case 2: In the early morning of April 18, 2021, a 57-year-old Cambodian from Rolea Bier in Kompong Nam arrived at the hospital. He was also pronounced dead when he arrived at the hospital. A group of doctors analyzed and tested the body and it appeared that Covid-19 took action, and the result of Covid-19 was positive.

Case 3: A 65-year-old Cambodian woman living in Sam Rong Thong District, Kompong Speu Province, died at 2:00 AM on April 24, 2021. According to the information, a medical team of the Ministry of Health of San Francisco de Macorís went to collect samples, and the result of Covid-19 was positive. The woman died of Covid-19 at home. According to the Ministry of Health, from April 25. 2021.16.At midnight, 74 patients in Cambodia died of COVID-19.

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